Enjoy Watching Pollinators by Adding These Plantings in the Shawnee and Lenexa, KS Areas

Are you the sort of person who loves putting out bird feeders in the yard to watch them flit around and create a ruckus in your Shawnee and Lenexa, KS Areas landscape? If so, watching other pollinators like butterflies and bees can be achieved with certain plantings. Enjoy watching the birds and butterflies flitting around with a planting design that encourages their daily visits.

The Best Placement for Pollinator Plants

Choosing the ideal placement for your pollinator plants can improve your enjoyment of the amazing varieties of birds, bees, and butterflies. One space that can be ideal for planting a pollinator garden can be in an unused corner of the backyard.

You might choose to have a stone or paver walkway installed so you can get to this active area easily. Placing the pollinator plantings together in one area can create an entire habitat for wildlife so you can watch them enjoying the flowers and shrubs.

Pollinator Plantings

Pollinator plantings can be shrubs, flowering trees, and of course, flowers. Any flower type can encourage birds, bees, butterflies, and beneficial insects to visit your landscape. Here are some varieties that they love most.

Butterfly bushes come in several colors to lend their sweet, attractive flowers to your pollinator landscape design. While butterfly bushes might be familiar to you, also look at black-eyed Susan flowers, Coneflowers, daylilies, Cosmos flowers, and dogwood trees. Ornamental trees are especially pretty, adding visual interest to your pollinator area with their green leaves and blooming flowers.

Salvia and lavender can be placed around the pond base and within the rocks to attract butterflies. They have beautiful purple flowers that stand tall on a green, leafy base.

You can attract Monarch butterflies with milkweed which is their favorite food source. Hummingbirds love milkweed, too.

Pollinator Area Additions

In case you did not know, bees, birds, and other insects that like to feed on the nectar of flowers and the worms in the soil also love water. Consider adding a water source like a pond or waterfall and pond to your new space.

Waterfalls with a pond at the base can be especially pleasing since you can enjoy the wildlife and listen to the soothing sounds of spilling water. In the cracks of the stones, you might enjoy having herbs and small mounding flowers to create a delightful smell.

At the waterfall base, the pond can be encircled with flat stones and flanked with water plants. You can add goldfish to your pond if you would like to feed the fish and watch them flit through the water.

Lily pads and other water plants can give frogs a place to live and they look pretty there, too.

Small Patio: Another outdoor feature that can let you spend more time in this little oasis can be a paver patio where you can place comfortable outdoor furniture or even a bench that offers somewhere to sit and relax. Imagine how calming this special area can be after a hectic week!

Adding a pollinator garden to an unused spot in your backyard can attract many types of bird and butterfly varieties to enhance your landscape. Their presence can improve the health and life of your plants and trees while inviting all the birds and butterflies to your backyard.


John T. Hermes, our founder, was a man with a dream and a remarkable blend of business acumen and agricultural passion. After graduating from Oklahoma State University with a degree in Agriculture, he spent a decade in agriculture chemical sales and the military before founding Country Fair Lawns in 1965, which later became Hermes Landscaping. Despite his passing, his vision and passion continue to drive the Hermes team, inspiring them to uphold his legacy and commitment to excellence in the company's endeavors.


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