What Are the Benefits of a Sprinkler System for a Lenexa and Shawnee, KS, Area Business?

If you’re considering having a sprinkler system installed at your commercial property in the Lenexa or Shawnee, KS, area, you may want to know what the benefits are before making a decision. A professionally installed irrigation system can transform your landscape, creating a vibrantly green environment that will make your business look much more attractive. Here are some of the benefits that you can expect when you have a sprinkler system installed.

Ensure A Healthy, Lush Lawn

Plants, including grass, need water to grow and thrive. However, Mother Nature doesn’t always provide the amount of rain that’s needed to ensure the grass is thriving all of the time. With an irrigation system, you won’t have to be concerned about how your commercial property looks because it will continue to receive the water it needs. Even when there’s a drought, your lawn and plantings can receive the water they need to thrive. Say goodbye to a dead, dying, and unsightly lawn, and say hello to a healthy, lush lawn.

Combine professional fertilizer applications with a sprinkler system for the best results. After a fertilizer application, your lawn needs water to allow the fertilizer to soak into the soil. With a sprinkler system, you can ensure that your fertilizer applications have the maximum effect with proper absorption, resulting in a healthy lawn that’s better able to fight off disease and other pests.

Enjoy a Beautiful Green Lawn

First impressions matter, and when your potential customers and business partners arrive at your property, what kind of impression are you making? Ensure that your lawn is beautiful and green, perfectly manicured, and looking its best. Frequent watering will likely make your commercial property look more aesthetically pleasing, resulting in positive first impressions for everyone who visits.

Help Conserve Water

While you may think sprinkler systems waste water, the opposite is true. Professionally installed sprinkler systems can actually help conserve water. Smart irrigation systems have sensors that detect the moisture level in the soil and only water your lawn when it’s needed, helping to conserve water. You can rest easy knowing you are doing your part to protect the environment.

Plus, irrigation systems can be strategically installed to target the areas of your commercial property that need watering and not the areas that don’t. For example, entire planting beds do not need to be watered if there are no plants covering every inch. Instead, an irrigation system can be installed that will target just the plantings, so you’re not just watering mulch and dirt. While this saves water, it also prevents weed growth because watering areas where there are no plantings generally results in weeds.

No-Hassle Maintenance

Irrigation technicians can install a sprinkler system and program it so that it runs automatically when it’s needed. They can set it to run on a schedule if that’s your preference. This means that you can focus on running your business rather than wondering if the grass is getting enough water. Plus, if you go on vacation, your lawn can remain consistently green with frequent waterings without any effort on your part. Irrigation systems are a no-hassle feature that will make keeping your commercial property looking beautiful much easier.


John T. Hermes, our founder, was a man with a dream and a remarkable blend of business acumen and agricultural passion. After graduating from Oklahoma State University with a degree in Agriculture, he spent a decade in agriculture chemical sales and the military before founding Country Fair Lawns in 1965, which later became Hermes Landscaping. Despite his passing, his vision and passion continue to drive the Hermes team, inspiring them to uphold his legacy and commitment to excellence in the company's endeavors.


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